lunatic asylum


lunatic asylum 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. another name, usually regarded as offensive, for mental home

lunatic asylum 近义词

lunatic asylum

等同于 loony bin

lunatic asylum

等同于 nut house

lunatic asylum

等同于 booby hatch

lunatic asylum

等同于 funny farm

lunatic asylum

等同于 insane asylum

更多lunatic asylum例句

  1. Shakur was on the run for five years after her prison break before managing to reach Cuba, where she was granted asylum in 1984.
  2. In 1996, Bourjerdi was granted political asylum and went to Australia as a refugee.
  3. Fine, but there are lunatic sums of money being spent on art, surely?
  4. This is because the only location that debate could take place would be in an asylum.
  5. It could also be true that she really was an insufferable lunatic afraid of catching Ebola from the plebeians.
  6. Unfortunately, as you say, I was present, and I tell you that our friend Barbiche behaved like a lunatic.
  7. Foreign families of neutral nationality sought more tranquil asylum far beyond the suburbs or on ships lying in the harbour.
  8. Lofty trees cast their gigantic shadows along the ground, and promised a secure asylum to peaceful meditation.
  9. In this city he encountered his former ranking officer, shorn of all his possessions, and just emerging from an insane asylum.
  10. If you were in San Francisco you might find some of the attendants in the asylum, who could give you the information you desire.